Axis of Evil in America
The Axis of Evil in America is a triad like the Axes of Evil in the 20th century. Except the Axis of Evil within America is not a group of foreign powers but an internal ideology that works against...
View ArticleToxic Masculinity and White Privilege
These exist only in leftist bigotry. Your typical liberal is not bright enough to understand the exchange depicted in the captioned picture of how they make white people victims of racism. How can...
View ArticleCNN Fake News Terrorizes Christian Teens
Over the weekend a group of Democrat haters accosted a group of Christian teens wearing MAGA caps. The leftist media portrayed it as the opposite saying that the teens were racists mocking Native...
View ArticleThe Face of Evil
This is a cultural Rorschach Test. What do liberals see when they see the Face of Jesus? Do they see the Face of Love and Forgiveness? Or do they see the face of hateful racist oppression? Leftists...
View ArticleLast Gasp of the Republic
Half of America has embraced Satanism. They made it legal to kill their babies. They make it legal for foreign criminals to invade our country. They welcome anti-God jihadis of Muhammadism. They strip...
View ArticleHow Liberals are like Children
Liberals are easily misled by the corrupt because they are largely ignorant of how the world works. Like children they can be taught to believe in Santa Claus and duped by the simplest of ploys (such...
View ArticleMcCabe and Mr. Mueller – A Democrat Coup Exposed
Democrats have openly admitted that the Mueller investigation is a fraud. Liberal heads are going to explode. Those of us who have recognized this fact from the beginning are going to sit back and...
View ArticleTrump Declares Emergency to Finish the Wall, Pelosi Threatens Gun Confiscation
Congress sent President Trump a bill that virtually halts any more construction on the border. Democrats and their RINO allies submitted just $1 billion for border security denying any funds to...
View ArticleDemocrats prove they are unable to learn from their mistakes
The same liberals who had complete faith in Mueller saying they have proof that Trump colluded with Russia are now saying that Mueller is a Trump operative covering up the truth. Before the Mueller...
View ArticleDemocrats cheer for criminals – make teachers, doctors, & taxpayers slaves
Democrats want to give the right to vote, to choose lawmakers who can change laws, to criminals who egregiously violated the law to take away the rights of others. WTF is wrong with their brains? In...
View ArticleDemocrat Convention vs. Republican Convention
False Hope and Dark Light vs. Truth, Justice, and the American Way During their convention, not a single Democrat mentioned the violence that has been rocking their cities for three months. President...
View ArticleThe Gender Perversion Distraction – Two genders and a hundred mental illnesses
The result of their attacks will result in a backlash that won’t stop with the perverts. It will wash over gays and bisexuals and even over the young couples engaging in adulterous premarital sex....
View ArticleDemocrats – Two-Faced and Half-Witted
Libtards are being driven insane by end of the world mania to become violent extremists and antisocial sociopaths. Slavery is alive and well in the world today. Only today we call it by different names...
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